Thursday, February 15, 2007

haha see this sweet photo?yea man,no doubt.thats Mr Alfred Sim,and mrs sim(kewei)ultimate swee couple sia.Happy valentine's day to them!they are really nice people,although alfred bully me sometimes =X U see,things revolve around u,and true enough,the world is indeed very small,if i haven told u,Alfred was my ex-neighbour like 4 years ago?And i didnt even realised that la.Anyway hope their relationship will they are gd ppl =D

Today training = 2 words to describe,GAO GAO.
firstly i learnt how to do cleans using new teachnique =D at the first try,i hit 60kilos my benchpull P.B 65kilos.OWNAGE =D
was quite happy with training session today,did freaking alot of core excercises and how that my **PACS** will come out soon enough xD.
ok la quite tired liao,
bb everyone,gd nite!Happy Chinese New Year =D Year of the porky! YEA!